
After quite a few attempts and failures, this batch came out perfectly.  I'd like not to be the poor craftsman that blames their tools, but every time I made toffee on an electric stove I always lost it to sugar crystals or separation.  So I've purposely tested this time and again to get perfect results. And I did! It's a simple recipe that will give you delicious and buttery toffee that doesn't stick to your teeth like some others.  One more note is making toffee is a very attentive process, do not walk away.

1 cup (2 sticks) of  butter, room temperature
1 cup white granulated sugar
1 tablespoon room temperature water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

6 ounces chocolate

Prepare a medium size sheet pan, coated with 1-2 tablespoons of butter to receive the cooked toffee.

In a heavy bottomed pot or pan add butter, sugar and water.  Affix your thermometer to side of pan.  Start with medium heat, it worked the best for me.  Increase if necessary.  Stir gently, but thoroughly as the sugar and butter melt. Sugar crystals can form easily if the edges of the pan get too much sugar on them.

Continue to heat and stir until temperature reaches 280 to 290 degrees Fahrenheit, or it has darkened slightly in color.  Remove from heat, stir in vanilla and pour on to prepared baking sheet.  Tap sheet pan gently to get bubbles out.

Melt the chocolate and spread evenly across.  You can also top with crushed or chopped nuts of choice.  Cool in refrigerator, break in to pieces and package as gifts or enjoy right away.


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